About This Site

This site is a travelogue, of sorts.  It’s both a journal and a forum for those who walk the Path of Awesomeness.

What is the Path of Awesomeness?

It’s the path that we all walk to try to reach some state that we can call “awesome”.  But “awesomeness” will mean different things to different people.

Some will equate it to be being successful.  Others, to being a kinder and gentler human being.  Still, other folks will see awesomeness to mean being tough or a badass of some sort.  At the end of the day, if there’s any commonality to all of this, it’s this: we all want to be good people, do great things, and live a life worth remembering.

Every person walks a different path, but we all walk a path that we hope leads to awesomeness.

I actually remember starting my journey back when I was a teenager.  What I mean is that I remember actively thinking about and wondering how I can become a better person.  Perhaps it’s something that all adolescents go through.

But then I lost my way.  I forgot about the discoveries I made about myself when I was a youth.  I forgot about the dreams that I had and the plans that I had made.  I got too busy.  I got busy getting through school, getting a job, getting a girl, getting a raise, getting a house, and on and on.

Until my son was born.  Then I started to remember.  And I started to recall and wonder.  What had happened to me?  What happened to all of my grand plans?  What path am I on?

I am not on the path that I originally set for myself.  It’s taken me some time to realize that I meandered, that I had gone off into the wilderness to a certain extent.  I’m finding my way back now, and it’s a new path that I am on.  Or maybe I should say it’s a new path that I am forging.

Either way, I’m figuring things out as I go, and this will be the record of my journey.

It’s for my son, for when he is older, going through the same things that I went through so that he can draw some semblance of wisdom from the ramblings of his old man.

It’s for my friends and family, for those of you who are wondering exactly what the heck it is that I read and write all day.

It’s also for you, any of you, who are seeking a companion walking down your own path of awesomeness.  Travel is always more fun with travel buddies, and although it may be that we all walk our own distinct individual paths, I’m convinced that it’s in the same direction.

So, welcome to the merry adventure.  I only have a general idea of where I’m going, I’m making up most of this as I go, and I hope that I can get plenty of help navigating.  But nonetheless, this should be fun.  Let’s go.

— Kieun